Friday, October 23, 2015

Fetzey Second

Mom and Dad

You used to tell me that when I was a tot I said my birthday was "october fetzey second".  It was the Fetzy second yesterday.  I missed your phone call.  I took this picture mid day. It's what I look like now.

All is well.  Saw Bobby last weekend. We were in Florida dealing with the bankers, insurance agent, plumbers, and assorted others.  Let me tell you, you did not pick the brightest bankers in the world. Between the three big shots there (not the low life tellers) none could figure out how to open the safe deposit box. There is an expert who was not there who will return on Monday.  Great.  Just cost the two of us another grand to fly down there and get the box.

The plumbing company you contracted for came out for the sink filter.  The instructions you wrote about how to change the filter must not have been accurate. Bobby almost got a hernia trying to yank the filter out.  We called the plumber who himself nearly collapsed and he had some tools.  Also, we discovered "extended" plumbing does not extend to the plumbing we needed to address.  So, ka-ching for the plumber.

Saw Wally and Ona and Brownie.  Went out to dinner and regaled each other with tales of Chicopee. Your names, of course, invoked with genuine reverence.

Matt called me yesterday. Jack is great and Sophie is right behind him.  Jack is in first grade now and wowing the elementary school.  Sophie into everything.  Shannon and Matt broaden the dimensions to multi-tasking. Last week Matt finished work, drove to Bordentown, trained to Brooklyn, ran a half marathon, and then joined Bobby and his clan at MSG for a hockey game.

We went through a box of cards you had in the closet.  Did you keep everything? Everytime we are down there, we find some nook where there are cards and photos.  You two were really love birds.  So beautiful in your letters to one another.  Found photos I had never seen before.

Still hear people around the complex speaking about how special you are.

Mets are in the World Series.  Patriots are undefeated. Leaves are falling. Starting to get chilly up north.

It was a happy day yesterday except every so often--as I do on non birthdays as well--I figure I will have a chance to talk with you.

I hope you can read this.  I doubt it, but as you would often say, dad, "what the hell do I know?"

Shabbat Shalom.

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